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Published: 23-Apr-14
Pinterest for Business. What Business Owners should know about Pinterest
Pinterest for Business – What Business Owners should know about Pinterest

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have allowed businesses to tap into a goldmine of digital customers where they can easily convert to sales when done properly. For these social networking sites, the number of registered users can amount to anywhere from 300 to 500 million, with millions logged in at any hour. Imagine a lake where the fish are already jumping and saying “HEY! We’re here! Catch us here! Come to this spot!” This is the impact of social networking towards businesses from different industries. While Internet marketers try to mislead a lot of business owners into thinking that social networking sites are miracle workers, it’s still possible to market your products on any one of the fast growing social networking sites like Pinterest.

Pinterest is a photo-sharing website with a pinboard-style feature that allows users to create and manage theme-based images like hobbies, interests, and events. Users can also browse other user’s pinboards and they have the option of re-pinning images on their own pinboards or they can opt to like photos. This is similar to Facebook’s SHARE AND LIKE feature or Twitter’s RETWEET feature.

What do business owners need to know about Pinterest?

1.) Everything relies on creativity – If you want your customers to take your business seriously, you need to get in touch with the creative side of your business. One can easily do this by using creative means for your business’ advertisement, logos, and banners. In this site, creativity and beauty will be your key to catching the attention of your potential customers.

2.) Pinterest functions like a stylish search engine – Pinterest has this neat search engine-like feature which focuses on simple keywords and phrases, compared to the complex algorithms of search engines like Google. The search function scours for keywords and phrases found within the title and description, although Pinterest never fully disclosed how their search function works.

3.) Pin and re-pin – When you’re on a social networking site like Pinterest, it helps to stay active because it’s an indicator that your business profile is also active. Activity would include posting pictures, LIKE-ing other pictures, and even re-pinning them. This is also one of the easiest ways to engage future customers.

4.) Promote using other social networking sites – Social networking sites will never function alone. Pinterest can be synced and connected with popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. This is also in line with how you can be active with your Pinterest profile. This removes the burden of having to create new content to reach out to your fans. Instead, re-posting on other social networking sites can do a more effective job in reaching out.

The age of social networking is upon us, and it’s time for business owners to embrace the digital side of doing business.

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