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Published: 23-Apr-14
Nine Rules for Advertising on Facebook
Nine Rules for Advertising on Facebook

Before you get so excited about posting your ad on Facebook, you have to know the rules. All things to be put into action have rules. Rules are not made to hinder the person’s action or to bind him from doing what he wants. Actually, rules are liberating. It makes both parties who are involved in an agreement to move freely without bumping to one another’s interests. Abiding the rules is essential in all aspects of life most especially in business transactions. Market is a hot place to stay. There are a lot of hot items there like, money, time, investments and reputations. All networks and social networking sites wanted to maintain a good reputation. That is why, they make their rules so that, those who wishes to come in partnership with their service will know where their boundary is. Rules are invisible circles that protect both the ad provider and Facebook.

What Are The Facebook Ad Rules?

There are products that Facebook specifically intent their guidelines. The general guideline is:

? The ad provider must represent their product, company and brand as advertised.

The following rules are specific for product category.

? Adult products are not allowed to be promoted such as videos, toys and even sexual enhancements. Contraceptives and family planning may be allowed provided they are advertised to the right target.

? There are certain countries which Facebook prohibits ad providers to advertise alcohol like, Afghanistan, Brunei, Bangladesh, Egypt, gambia, Kuwait, Libya, Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

? Dating with sexual features are not allowed but, online dating on which products are accurately represented will be tolerated as long as the proper target is pointed.

? Illegal drugs, tobacco drugs and its apparatuses are prohibited.

? Gambling and lotteries including the skill gaming events are allowed if they get the right target. Some countries do not allow these types of games so Facebook must also abide with the laws of their jurisdiction.

? Regarding pharmaceuticals and supplements, prescription drugs are not allowed to be sold online. Pharmaceutical companies that are only globally accredited are the ones that will be allowed to advertise. Otherwise, Facebook will not entertain any pharmaceutical company to sell online drugs and supplements.

? Software is allowed provided that the software the ad provider is selling is not malware or that which has a spyware. Software which sneaks or perform hidden activities from the knowledge of the user is strictly prohibited.

? Subscription services are also subject to approval. They must show the price of their products, check mails and ways how to cancel the viewer’s subscriptions.

Just by running an eye through the Facebook rules and regulations makes one to conclude that the terms are very discriminating and very conservative. It is because Facebook ensures the safety of the viewers who are the primary elements that are affected by malpractice in advertising. They are also the reason why Facebook has arrived in the top position of social networking. Viewers or members are important to facebook so, Facebook also wanted their ad providers to regard the viewers as important as they regarded them. Facebook also wanted to create a border line to which the ad provider can move freely without bumping into the limitations of Facebook.

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