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Published: 06-Mar-13
Crimal Background Check-Feel Safe And Secure In Your Neighborhood
What about that new single guy who has just moved to your neighborhood? He could possibly be a convicted sex offender who is not allowed within a certain distance from children. You will want to know this and be able to keep a close eye on your children when they are out playing.

Some of the things you can find out about a person when doing a search are:

1. Arrest records

2. Sexual offenses

3. Felony convictions

4. Outstanding warrants

5. Incarceration records

You could probably dig up a lot more information as well if you know where to look but for the time being this is quite enough to get a good picture of someone's past criminal record.

Some may say that if someone has done the time for their crimes then they should be forgiven but even if they have paid their debt to society they could still have some lingering urges and it is worth it to know who they are and keep your home, yourself, and most importantly, your children safe from harm.

You can find out a lot of what you need to know about someone from doing an Internet search using one of the reputable "people search" websites but, if you need to search for criminal records you need to go through the state or county databases.

If the person you are considering hiring is going to work with children or the elderly or needs to have a high security clearance to deal with classified information you will need to search through a federal data base to get your information.

Also know that if you require a full report on someone and want it sent to you it may cost as much as one dollar a page to get.

Just for kicks, try doing a crimal background check on yourself just to see what comes up. You might just be surprised to find some incorrect information on you floating around out there. Then the next step is to get it removed from your record.

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