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Published: 06-Mar-13
Backgroundcheck Org -Know What Your Rights Are
If you are looking for information on what may or may not be included in a back ground check, you should go to backgroundcheck org.

This is a site that will tell you exactly what is or is not included when someone is looking you up in the case of being hired for a new position, or even becoming a volunteer.

9/11 had a big impact on how people view security in this country and in-depth back round checks have pretty much become the norm.

Backgroundcheck org is a wonderful resource for letting you know what your rights are and what must be disclosed to you as a result of the background check.

For instance, if the person or company doing the check wants to check your credit report they must first tell you they are going to do it and give you a summary of your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

If they fail to do this, you could go after them for a grand total of $1,000. Most people do not know this, but now you do. If they check your credit and do not tell you, you can, and should, sue them for $1,000.

No one can do a background check on you with out you giving them your permission. If you are interviewing for a new job you must fill out a form allowing your new prospective employer the access to your information.

Other rights you have that you may not know about are:

If, during the background check, someone reports something negative about you that causes you to not get the position you have applied for, you must be told, and the identity, and source, of the negative information must be revealed to you. You should receive a copy of the report.

If the information in the report you are given is incorrect, you must be given the opportunity to contest it and then find a way to disprove the information included in the report.

It is everyone's best interest to study up on the laws in your state regarding your personal information. Every state is different and you may be able to get some of your information removed from being accessible to the public by going to court and having it legally removed. Some things are simply no one else's business.

Needing to find out about someones background is not just for employers. Any one can order a background check and if you need a new daycare provider for your children or are looking to hire someone to do some work for you like say, a remodel of your kitchen or a subcontractor to build you a new house, you should spend the money and get one done.

Go to backgroundcheck org (don't forget the dot) and learn all you can about the whys and wherefores of why you might be subjected to a background check or why you may need to order one on someone else yourself. It could be the difference between a job well done by a reputable person or company or the nightmare of inviting someone into your home that you really do not want there.

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Republished with author's permission.