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Published: 13-Oct-12
PPC Marketing Drawbacks
Pay per click advertising, or ppc for short, is a great way for a person to gain visitors to their site when they need traffic quickly. PPC marketing can be also risky if you use poor management. Using poor management when you are using PPC can cost you a fortune, yes it will generate a lot of visitors to your site but you will have nothing to show for their visit. When you are working with PPC advertising there are a few things that you need to know before creating a successful PPC marketing campaign.

First of all before you should even begin a PPC marketing campaign you need to be aware of what PPC actually is. Without understanding this your campaign will not take off. PPC is actually pretty simple to understand. What PPC basically is, are search engines and services providing listings of sites on a per-bid basis. PPC is an addition to their regular search engine but are still powered on keywords that are found on your site as well as your link popularity. If you placed the highest bid on a set of keywords then you will rank as number one in those paid listings.

PPC can cost a fortune though. This is because it is easy for you to get caught up in a bidding war over a set of keywords that you are set on using. In most cases you end up spending a lot more than your potential return. Some PPC engines will offer you auto bidding features which will automatically increase your bid amount each time you are outbidded. This may sound good to you at first but in the end you will discover that it is not.

Another drawback of PPC is that it can be hard to measure. Some search engines do provide conversion measurement tools. These allow you to track whether or not your PPC is generating the desired results or not. These tools though are generally not 100% accurate.

Also another thing of PPC that you need to be aware of is the junk traffic. Most of these PPC sites often will distribute a portion of their results to various search engines. These are the less known search engines and while the traffic results may look good the income that will not be generated is not.

The final drawback of PPC is that it does not scale. If the traffic to your site would happen to increase the cost relating to the increased would also increase. Your average cost per click would remain the same mind you but your overall cost will be higher. As a result you will find yourself at times paying more for the service than you are actually bringing in.

As you can see there are some drawbacks to using a PPC program. You need to be aware of these drawbacks before you decide if PPC is a good way for you to go with your marketing campaign.

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