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Published: 17-Aug-12
Creating Abundance-Dates Back To The Beginning Of Time
The idea of creating abundance may seem relatively new, but it is actually something that has been at work since people first populated the planet. A lot of people think of money when they think of abundance, and that is definitely one way that abundance can be manifested. However, you can also have an abundance of health, time, freedom, happiness, relationships, spirituality, love, and anything else you can think of; there are no limits to what abundance can provide.

The good news is that no matter where you are now, creating abundance is not only possible; it's guaranteed when you know how to do it. Now, here's a critical element to all of this: you are always creating something. Some people create hardship, while others create abundance. The main thing to remember is that you have created everything that is in your life, whether you think it's good or not. The secret is to be purposeful in what you bring into your life.

Everything in your life is a result of your thoughts and beliefs, and nothing more. Notice it doesn't say that your life is the result of your circumstances or surroundings. People today are quick to lay blame on anything, so long as it's not themselves. That's a guaranteed way to stay stuck. You are responsible for what you have. If it's not good, then it's a simple matter of changing your thoughts and beliefs to start attracting the things you really want.

The next logical question is how do you change your thoughts and beliefs so you can start creating abundance? At first it will take conscious effort, but over time your conscious mind will start programming your subconscious mind, and that's when the real magic starts to happen.

Creating abundance is about having the right mindset and focusing on the right things. You need to believe that you will get all of the stuff you want and that you are worthy of getting it. Believing you "can" is not the same as believing you "will", and "hoping" is not the same as "expecting". You have to believe you will get what you want and you have to await it with positive expectation. It's not a matter of whether or not you will get it, but how soon it will arrive.

Reaffirming the good stuff in your life will bring more of it into your life. In fact, whatever you affirm will be amplified. For example, if you have a cold and talk about how miserable you feel, it will only lead you to feel more miserable. On the other hand, if you tell yourself and others that you feel great (and you act accordingly), not only will you feel better, but you can shorten the duration of your cold.

This is only a quick overview of creating abundance, but you can see that it really works. The next step is to take positive action. Even the smallest step in the right direction will help you to start bringing more abundance into your life.

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