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Published: 17-Aug-12
Conscious Creation- Bring Your Thoughts Into Existence
Imagine a world where you could use your mind to bring things into existence. Simply by thinking the right thoughts, you could practice conscious creation and start getting the things that you want. Does that sound unbelievable or impossible? Well, the truth is that we already live in such a world, and your mind is already attracting the things that you have in your live, good or bad.

Most people try to deny that they are responsible for the bad things in their lives, but it's true. The good news is that most of this bad stuff isn't really their fault. Those two ideas may sound contradictory. After all, how can they be responsible for the bad but have it not be their fault? The answer is that they aren't aware of what conscious creation is. What this means is that they are attracting everything into their lives (again, good or bad), but they don't know that they are doing the attracting.

Conscious creation should not be confused with the concept of positive thinking, as they are quite different. Positive thinking is often about making the best of what you have, of putting a positive spin on negative things. While this type of thinking may make you feel better, it either makes you live in a fantasy world or it makes you content with things you don't really want in your life. Conscious creation is about actually getting the things that you want and not settling for second best.

How much control do you have over your life? Does it seem as though outside circumstances are conspiring against you? The truth is that you are in complete control, and circumstance doesn't change that. You get to take complete responsibility for everything in your life, but that also means you get all of the credit for the good stuff, too.

More than anything else, you need to focus on the things that you want, as opposed to the things that you don't want. A classic example of this is someone who thinks they want to be out of debt. While it's true that they may not want to be saddled with debt, the fact remains that they are ultimately focusing on the debt itself. What then happens is they keep creating more debt. If you happen to be in debt, then use conscious creation to focus on having more money, not less debt.

You also need to be ready to receive the good stuff that's coming your way. The universe is filled with more than enough for everybody, and you deserve everything that it wants to send your way. By being receptive to it, you are showing that you not only want it, but that you are also grateful for the things you have.

Conscious creation is a subject that is as fascinating as it is rewarding. We have only scratched the surface here, so it's up to you to take the next step towards a better future...the future you so richly deserve.

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Republished with author's permission.