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Published: 17-Aug-12
Cheap Underwater Camera Housing
When it comes to digital cameras there are a lot of options for you to choose from. The option becoming more and more popular are underwater cameras. No longer do you really have to rely on cheap underwater camera housing to allow you to snap photos under the sea. Now days underwater digital cameras are built to operate underwater, affording you far more versatility in your picture taking.

However even if you decide to buy yourself an underwater camera, there are still a lot of things you need to take into consideration. When you are looking at your underwater cameras, the first thing to consider is their sealing. Sealing is what allows them to operate underwater to begin with and it is the first and only line of defense should it be submerged, so you want to make sure it is top notch.

This becomes even more important on cameras with a lot of openings, such as those with removable lenses and USB ports. You want to make sure your camera has excellent sealing so that it will not break on your first dive. Sealing is also effect by the depth at which your camera is submerged. Cameras are rated based on just how deep they can go. With a cheap underwater camera housing you could only take your digital camera a few meters underwater, but with a proper underwater camera you could go much, much further.

The main concern with depth is the water pressure. Cameras are fairly fragile and it would not take much for it's sealing to break or the more sensitive parts to break. This is why you need to be aware of just how far down your camera is able to go so that you do not accidently exceed this depth and break it.

Another thing you should be aware of is it's size and shape. For most digital cameras these are merely aesthetics, maybe a little convenience issues. But with underwater cameras they become far more important as you will want to get a camera that is the right size and shape so that you can hold it easily while swimming.

If you get a camera that is too big or too small, you might drop it and recovering it could be quite the pain. This is also why you should make sure to have to strapped securely to yourself when diving.

Something else to be aware of is that underwater cameras are prone to being damaged by things like sand or chlorine. While cheap underwater camera housing can protect from this, an actual underwater camera has very little defense. It is best to keep your camera out of pools and to thoroughly clean it after every dive you make.

Underwater digital cameras can open up a whole new world of photography. All those fond moments at the beach, or especially for those who like to go diving. But even for those land lovers out there it can still be a good purchase as underwater cameras are highly durable and that water proofing may come in handy one day, and since they essentially the same price as a normal camera, there really is no reason not to buy one.

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